Join our fall Artist-in-Residence, Maddy McFadden, Every Wednesday 4-6PM at the downtown Public Library and every Saturday 1-3pm right here at the CAC!
The theme for Maddy’s residency is “Daydreaming and Space-Making.” Her practice engages with space as both a physical and philosophical concept, asks what happens when a space doesn’t love you back, and responds with crafting new space together and as a gift. Those dropping by can expect to make individual and collaborative projects that embrace connection and adornment. Visitors will make art that unabashedly expresses one’s dreams, brings comfort, and explores what a dream “home” means, looks, and feels like.
Maddy McFadden is a loving aunt and Ohio-based multidisciplinary artist. She explores themes of isolation, connection, and power through sculpture, painting, and interior design, engaging with space as both a physical and philosophical concept. As Creative Director for a local magazine and Education Administrator at the Art Academy of Cincinnati, Maddy emphasizes community and collaboration in her work. She aims to use her art and life to bring people warmth and a sense of relatedness.
The CAC's Teen Programs are made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Award Number MA-249792-OMS-21
As well as the following organizations:
Louise Taft Semple
Sutphin Family Foundation
Robert and Adele Schiff Family Foundation
Charles H Dater Foundation
Greater Cincinnati Foundation