Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

Join Jamie-Lee Elizabeth, our Artist-In-Residence for this Fall, every Wednesday from 4-6PM and every Saturday from 11am-1pm in our Creativity Center for free collaborative art making and discussion!

Jamie-Lee's residency will be focusing on the themes of vulnerability and human connection by exploring love and heartbreak, friendship and family, black womanhood, as well as, grief and joy.

Jamie-Lee will craft creative writing workshops exploring these themes and how wellness can intertwine with and even potentially expand upon them. When we have the opportunity to be vulnerable with ourselves and each other creatively it has an overall positive impact on our own personal well being!

A Bit about Jamie-Lee:

Jamie-Lee Elizabeth is a writer, poet and spoken word artist. Born and raised by Jamaican parents in Cincinnati, Jamie-Lee always loved reading and writing. She graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Minor in Education, and has a wealth of experience in youth development and engagement roles in nonprofit organizations. As the previous Manager of Education & Outreach at Elementz Hip Hop Youth Center, Jamie-Lee oversaw poetry programming for teens in the Greater Cincinnati area.

Jamie-Lee has performed her own original poetry at many locations such as the Cincinnati Art Museum, Woodward Theater and Union Hall. Most recently in her five month fellowship at Kennedy Heights Arts Center, Jamie-Lee held 4 writing workshops exploring the themes of love, friendship, grief, joy and black womanhood. She used the poetry books of authors Nikki Giovanni, Lucille Clifton, Sonia Sanchez, Alex Elle and Jasmine Mans as guides throughout her workshops. After the success of this fellowship, she would like to continue to focus on expanding her workshopping skills and interaction with community members.

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Artist in Residence: Jamie-Lee Elizabeth

Artist in Residence: Jamie-Lee Elizabeth


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