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Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

Artist-in-Residence will be held virtually on Zoom. Free Art Supply Kits for Amy Tuttle's virtual programming can be picked up at the Downtown Main Library drive thru window or by scheduling a pick up at the Contemporary Arts Center. Please Join us every Wednesday and Friday from 4:00pm to 5:30pm in for Creative Artmaking.

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Amy Tuttle loves the magical ways that collaborative art-making can build connections between people. She’s motivated by the empathy that forms when folks are given space to listen, share, and co-create. Tuttle considers her practice a simple+deep experiment in “putting things together” (art-making) to tell stories, transfer meaning, build bridges of communication, engage across differences, and explore building the world together. Tuttle believes the arts can support individuals and communities in personal growth, community-building, and cultural transformation.

Tuttle has led local and international efforts in the field of Community Arts for over 10 years. With an MA in “Community Arts: Arts in Transformation,” her experiences range from leading professional training around the world to offering creative arts workshops locally. She serves as Director of Programming for Wordplay Cincy, a local arts-based organization where “stories write the future.”

During this residency, Tuttle’s offerings will explore these themes: Art as Social Commentary, Building the Future through Expression, and Healing/Building Connected Community. Visitors during this residency will experiment with collaborative art-making through dance/movement, visual arts, storytelling experiences, and mindfulness practices.

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Artist in Residence Live: Amy Tuttle

Artist in Residence Live: Amy Tuttle


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