Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

Welcome to the first annual Artist-In-Nature art exhibition brought to you by the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center in partnership with the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, hosted by Madtree.

This exhibit shows off the hard work of 16 local artists who participated in an artist workshop in Spring and Summer 2020 around the theme of Sustainability in Cincinnati. The artists came together virtually to learn about low-impact art making techniques, gather ideas, and learn about local environmental issues and the solutions being implemented by organizations like the Zoo. Through talks, virtual field trips, article, book, and location recommendations around the city, artists engaged with their community through art and scientific exploration. Through their pieces, these artists are teaching their neighbors about what makes Cincinnati special and how we can protect it now and in the future.

This interdisciplinary exhibit merges art and science to engage the public with pressing issues in a unique away. Pieces draw awareness to local threats like pollution, environmental injustice, invasive species, and most importantly climate change. In the midwest, climate change is already showing it face through increased rainfall, causing flooding that threatens infrastructure as well as environmental and human health.

Bid on your favorite pieces to take home. 100% of the money raised from this art auction goes towards the sustainability efforts at the CAC to make this workshop and exhibition possible next year. The auction will run from October 1st until October 10th.

To Place a Bid:

While visiting in person, take a photo of the QR code which will take you to the CAC’s eBay listings for each available piece. If you do win a piece in the auction, we ask that you pick up that piece in person on the assigned day at Madtree or later at the CAC.

If you don’t go home with a new piece of art, consider creating your own piece and sharing it online with the hashtag #CACZooArtistInNature. While there are many environmental challenges happening in the world, we must not forget about the ones happening here. Engage with your neighbors, do a trash clean up, improve your shopping or driving habits, and most importantly, vote! The future of the World and Cincinnati is in the hands of citizens like you.

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Artist-in-Nature Art Exhibition at MadTree Brewing Co.

Artist-in-Nature Art Exhibition at MadTree Brewing Co.


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