Join us for our largest and most creative fundraiser of the year-Cuisine Art Cocktails! Get your tickets today!

Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

To Reserve a Ticket:

The Hood Century x CAC partnership, namely “The West End Project” marries the museum with a culturally relevant take on architecture in the West End area of Cincinnati. We’re looking at the ways hip hop, pop culture, design, architecture, and urban planning collide. We focus on the intersection between these themes as inseparable and through the belief that each theme enforces the others through sessions spanning across 3 months.

Session 2: Will focus on architecture and the way that is relates to people. For this session we will be taking a walk of the West-End as we explore and learn together

the West-End Project Location: 1800 Freeman Ave. Cincinnati Oh 45214

In order to protect our staff, visitors, members, and community, space will be limited with a reserved ticket and masks will be required

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The West End Project with Jerald Cooper

The West End Project with Jerald Cooper


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