Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

Ticketed event - limited seats

Artist Cal Cullen will open up her exhibition space for a round table dinner discussion with key civic leaders on housing in Cincinnati. Alongside family style West African cuisine prepared by Manzara Reed and FireLab.

Cincinnatis Table is a year-long project by The Welcome Project to facilitate monthly neighborhood dinners to break down barriers and connect community. Each dinner is a collaboration of a local ethnic chef and a local artist to create an experience unique to each neighborhood.

Cincinnati’s Table is brought to you by The Welcome Project, funded by United Way.

The Welcome Project is a social enterprise in the Camp Washington neighborhood with a mission to help immigrant and refugee’s through art, food and community.

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Cincinnati's Table

Cincinnati's Table


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