Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Assembling an Annual Report is not easy or glamorous. It requires going back through paperwork, running numbers, taking a hard look at the last year and being honest about our impact. But as stewards of your contributions and good faith, you deserve our transparency.

Though the national narrative tells us that the pandemic is over, at the CAC we are still feeling its impact. Individual contributions, grant money, and even attendance have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels. Our passion and dedication to our mission, however, remains stronger than ever and we continue to do effective work with the resources we have.

I am proud of the results we delivered during our 2021-2022 fiscal year. We welcomed more than 28,000 people to our exhibitions and programs. We had more than 13,000 participants in our portfolio of programming. And we count more than 600 people as our Members.

Our mission is to bring art and the creative process to all people. This means that our building must always be a welcoming space—a center for creativity, whatever that means to you. If you are using our Lobby as a momentary workspace, our Shop to find a last-minute gift for a loved one, our family programming to connect with each other, our hospitality to catch up with a colleague, our space to celebrate a life milestone, our youth programming to help your high schooler make new friends, or our galleries to catalyze your curiosity—you are welcome here.

I am proud of what is being achieved here at the Contemporary Arts Center, and I am grateful to everyone who is a part of it.


Marcus Margerum
Interim Director & Chief Business Officer

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Cover of 2022 Annual Report

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