Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


"He was on a 75-day road trip.

And on July 2, that trip included a visit to the Contemporary Arts Center.

He said he loved that it didn't cost a dime. He said everyone should experience art. That art is not just for the wealthy.

On Dec. 3, one, two, three groups became gallery visitors once staff told each of them that the Glenn Brown exhibition was actually free.

Two days later, another guest to the Downtown institution didn't say anything at all to the staff stationed at the front desk.

He just applauded on his way out of the door.

It's all these 'Iittle experiences' in the last year, as CAC director Raphaela Platow calls them, that have added up to an unprecedented audience for the 78-year-old center."

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