Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how boundless human creativity can be. We slip into our day-to-day routine, doing what we need to do to pay the bills, and we forget. We forget to look for and find the beauty in the everyday details. We forget to see the really interesting shit.
Do Ho Suh has not forgotten. With his absurdly inspiring exhibit, Passage, at the CAC through Sept. 11, Suh pulls us out of our “life is okay” fog and gently wipes the sleep from our eyes. He implores us to take a closer look at two things we see everywhere: string and rooms. He turns both into marvels of human creation.
Let me try to word this in blunt, Normal Guy terms: this man built entire life-size rooms with a needle and thread. He sewed a two-stories-tall blue stairwell complete with blood-red stairs and bannisters. He sewed two gigantic mirroring arches that look like they could be holding up minivans on the Roebling.
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