"Jens Lekman is back in his hometown of Gothenburg, Sweeden, renting a room that's just eight square meters. There's enough room for a bed, his guitar and the refrigerator-sized suitcase he's been living out of for quite some time now. It's been five years since the Swedish singer-songwriter's last album, Night Falls Over Kortedala – a record of dryly poignant lyrics and lush orchestral pop built partly from samples – and in that time Lekman lugged his case from place to place (almost settling in Melbourne, Australia), went through a particularly hard breakup and almost committed to a green-card marriage."
Original Article: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/q-a-jens-lekman-on-new-album-doing-push-ups-and-his-new-favorite-chord-20120904