Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

Join us every Thursday at Ziegler Park for Young Adult Lab, a free drop-in art making program for young adults! Inspired by Hellen Ascoli’s weavings created on the backstrap loom, local artist Rowe schnure will lead us through our own handweaving projects for Young Adult Lab. Similar to Ascoli, we will tie writing to our weavings to tell our own stories and histories. Supplies and snacks will be provided by the CAC. The CAC's Teen Programs are made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Award Number MA-10-18-0118-18

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Young Adult Lab at Ziegler Park: Writing and Weaving

Young Adult Lab at Ziegler Park: Writing and Weaving


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