Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


Event Details

French choreographers Annie Vigier and Franck Apertet (les gens d’Uterpan) investigate the norms that dictate the terms of representation in the performing arts. For the activation of the strategy Géographie in the CAC exhibition Confinement, the choreographers are looking for three dancers (male or female).

Dancers who wish to be considered must be available during all of the following period:

  • The entire period of the audition
  • Six days from FRI, NOV 1 to WED, NOV 6, 2019 (four hours/day) for the creation of a 4 hour long choreography
  • Six days of rehearsal from FRI, NOV 8 to WED, NOV 13, 2019 (four hours/day)
  • Four additional days of rehearsal in the exhibition space from SAT, NOV 16 to TUES, NOV 19, 2019 (four hours/day)
  • The dancers will have to plan their own individual warm-up one hour before each rehearsal at the agreed place.
  • Then two days/week, starting from FRI, NOV 22, 2019 (opening) to the end of February with three performances in November, eight in December, nine in January and eight in February for a total of 28 performances.
  • This schedule is not absolutely definitive but should not change more than a day or two

For the project, the three chosen dancers will be independent contractors of The CAC, and will receive a flat stipend for the rehearsals and performances.

Dancers interested in the audition should send a CV, portrait photo, and a short video showing them in a performing situation—as well as a letter of motivation—to the following address:

The deadline for submissions is September 18, 2019.

Candidates chosen to audition will be notified via e-mail

Additional funding for Confinement is provided by Étant donnés Contemporary Art, a program of the French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) Foundation.

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Open Call for Dancers

Open Call for Dancers


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