Contemporary Arts Center
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center
for Contemporary Art
44 E. 6th Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

513 345 8400


"Truthfully when I walked into the CAC Thursday night I was only thinking one thing, I’m about to willingly see my first uncircumcised piece of man bits because of art.

In an age where government officials and fundamentalists argue over the labeling of gendered bathrooms and most women are openly appalled at the amount of 'dick pics' that slide into their DMS (direct messages – for you non-millennials), I was choosing to subject myself to two white men who travel the world slapping, pinching, twisting foreskin, and exposing themselves to the world as performance artists.

Upon entering the familiar blackbox space, I was surprise to be greeted by two totally clothed and totally hipster looking dudes in what appeared to be a moderately easy acro-yoga pose. As the minutes went on Gui Garrido started a bit of a standup routine, talking and engaging with the audience, while the red-bearded Pieter Ampe began to buckle under the weight."

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